“I read my eyes out and can't read half enough...the more one reads the more one sees we have to read.” John Adams

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

April Anecdotes

I've decided that once a month I'm going to make a post about bits of awesomeness that don't make sense together. BECAUSE: There are tons of cool things that I love that would be difficult to write a whole post about. For example:
I feel strange seeing C-3PO wearing a pocket watch. Like it's his cousin or something.

As you can see, C-3PO in classy duds isn't relevant to anything, but it's totally awesome.

Joe Walker as Dolores Umbridge in A Very Potter Sequel

See, I did it again.

While in middle school, I would always run home after school and watch a variety of pbs shows with my brothers. One of these shows was Liberty's Kids. I had totally forgotten about it until like two days ago. It's a show for kids about the American Revolution. It was totally boss, and I would walk around the house singing the theme. Actually quite a cool song, and I like how they start rapping in it. Classic.
I wish it was still on tv, because I would probably watch it. Making my list of shows that I actually watch expand  to Liberty's Kids, and Glee. Good combination right? whatever.

Speaking of tv shows, I REALLY want to get into the Big Bang Theory. Especially after seeing this...

"I distinctly ordered the Leonard Nemoy Mr. Spock cardboard standee. Why would I feel safer with Zachary Quinto at the foot of my bed?" "I don't know, he was pretty badass on heroes." "you're right, I'll give him a shot."

Just the simple fact that they reference Zachary Quinto already makes this show awesome for me. 

Ahem, Zachary Quinto:
Pretty sure the sign was photoshopped to say that, but I thought it was funny. And he's adorable.

Because of the 2009 movie, I started looking up clips from the original Star Trek with Leonard Nimoy as Spock. It looked pretty good. But then...but then...
I was like "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" and then cried everywhere.

And now, an important closing message.
Tom Felton says so, so it must be true.

Live long, and prosper.

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