“I read my eyes out and can't read half enough...the more one reads the more one sees we have to read.” John Adams

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Battle of the Ballads

While looking through my iTunes library, I realized that I have quite a few songs with the word "ballad" in the title. This post will be about a few of those. But only the coolest ones, just for you.

Here. in case you don't have a lighter. Because it's what you're supposed to do when you listen to ballads. You mess around with fire.

This first song is titled "Ballad of Booth" from the musical Assassins, and is based on the perspective of John Wilkes Booth in terms of his assassination of President Lincoln. hmmm... I'm going to go with the Victor Garber and Patrick Cassidy version for today.

An indictment. 
Of the former President of the United States, 
Abraham Lincoln, who is herein charged 
with the following high crimes and misdemeanors.

I was quite taken aback at the lyric "damn you Lincoln you righteous whore!" But it definitely made me pay better attention to the song. I find the whole concept fascinating.

"The Ballad of Sara Berry"
Check Sara, choose Sara, vote for Sara Berry

I was introduced to this song like a week ago, and I thought "I could see Lady Gaga singing this." I wouldn't want that, but it seems to fit her style. This song was written using this picture as inspiration.

Kind of cool. But terrifying at the same time...

And lastly, a ballad starring Alan Cumming and Cyndi Lauper. This is from a Broadway show adapted from opera. The Threepenny opera. Don't be intimidated by the fact that it was originally an opera, opera is not bad. This song is fantastic for sure. The name of it, is "Ballad of the Pimp." Impressed yet? you should be. It's gonna get even better. Here you are.

I.LOVE.ALAN.CUMMING. He is completely fearless.

I saw this and thought of his role in Cabaret, singing about money. Will get to that musical eventually :)

I'm actually going to post one more, because this one is totally silly, Christopher Sieber is cool, and I couldn't resist. "The Ballad of Farquaad."

Daddy up and left me
Left me good as dead
Now he lives in squalor
Sleeping seven to a bed
yep. that just happened.

You may now extinguish your lighter. Battle of the ballads is over.

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