“I read my eyes out and can't read half enough...the more one reads the more one sees we have to read.” John Adams

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Jesus Christ Superstar

Oh hey, Holy Week! The perfect time to post about a Jesus musical. I vote Jesus Christ Superstar. Must have Heaven on my mind. Five points if you saw what I did there.

Music by Andrew Lloyd Webber

This musical follows the last few weeks of Jesus' life rock opera style, with emphasis on characters that usually don't get the spotlight. For example, Judas Iscariot. Damned for All Time/Blood Money. Singing starts around 1:15. Be warned, your ears might explode from too much awesome.

I came because I had to; I'm the one who saw. 
Jesus can't control it like he did before. 
And furthermore I know that Jesus thinks so too. 
Jesus wouldn't mind that I was here with you. 
I have no thought at all about my own reward. 
I really didn't come here of my own accord. 
Just don't say I'm ... damned for all time.

RIP Carl Anderson :(

Three things I would like to say about this song:
1. It totally ROCKS.
2. I'm convinced the pharisees are dressed like that to show off Caiaphas' abs.
3. I wish people would calm down about Judas being portrayed so that you feel bad for him. He turned Jesus in, but someone had to do it. Just saying. It destroyed Judas in the end anyways. I feel bad for him personally, and I think his character in this is acted out well. Don't hate me.

In the first movie adaptation, Jesus is played by TED NEELEY. He is one of the best. Gethsemane.

Oh, why should I die?
Can you show me now
That I would not be killed in vain?
Show me just a little
Of your omnipresent brain
Show me there's a reason
For your wanting me to die
You're far too keen on where and how
But not so hot on why

I love how human Jesus is in this musical, they don't focus on his miracles, just his love for the people.  It's so much easier to relate, and to better understand the whole 100% God, 100% man thing. This perspective does cause controversy, but I think it's important.

Trial Before Pilate
I see no reason. I find no evil. 
This man is harmless, so why does he upset you? 
He's just misguided, thinks he's important, 
But to keep you vultures happy I shall flog him

Even though I love the Pilate in the 1973 movie, I like the Pilate in the 2000 movie better. Which is the only thing I like about the 2000 movie. The 1973 Pilate seems almost indifferent. This Pilate is more involved emotionally with what's happening, and emphasizes his torture in making a decision. Which some people don't like, like with Judas. Whatevs.

Because I love him, here's the 1973 Pilate.
Barry Dennen as Pilate

And finally, to give more reason for the title, here is the song Jesus Christ Superstar.
Did you mean to die like that?
Was that a mistake or
Did you know your messy death
Would be a record breaker?

As a random closing thought, they should give all of Mary Magdalene's songs to Judas because she distracts too much from the plot, and Judas doesn't have enough songs.

Peace out, have a wonderful Easter!

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